Project Proposal
This site will primarily be a place for all IYA students to upload their favorite restaurants, cafes, hangout spots, or any area at all that might be cool to know
about. The option to add new addresses with names n descriptions n stuff will be available.
Intended Users
Mostly just IYA students, or more realistically the best cohort, C9. It *will* be open to anyone tho, so anyone can add a new spot that they think is cool or
whatever. Mostly just keeping it chill. Will also have an entry for 'added by'...
Example Spots
Row 1: 'Wow such a cool cafe' Cafe on real one blvd - added by Khalil
Row 2: 'Wow such a cool cafe 2' Cafe on 2 real street - added by Lilahk
Row 3: 'Josephine's Sushi Spot' on sumn street idk - added by Kyler
Row 4: 'Another spot added by Tyler' on Yler corner - added by Tyler
Date Types
Place Name
Media (picture or sumn)
Added By